Book Cover “Wild Horses of the West”

I have the cover image of a newly published book “Wild Horses of the West” by J. Edward De Stieguer.

I captured this image a number of  years back.  These fighting mustangs are young bachelor stallions trying to establish their place in the world of wild mustang hierarchy.  This photograph was taken high in the Arrowhead Mountains at an elevation of about 8000′  in Southern Montana just 80 miles from my house..  For those of you familiar with the excellent 4 part PBS Nature Series  ‘Cloud, Wild Stallion of the Rockies” the horse on the right is “Bolder”, Clouds 1st son.  Bolder is now a dominant band stallion and one my favorite wild photograph.

I also was recently awarded a honable mention in the “Chasing the Light”  juried photo competitions.  This was a macro contest and my image is of a jumping spider in a cactus bloom.  You can see my image here.

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