D. Robert Franz

Nature & Wildlife
Photography Tours

Refine Your Photographic Vision

Embark on an exhilarating journey through nature’s wonders with D. Robert Franz’s captivating photo tours. These high-energy expeditions are tailored for wildlife and nature enthusiasts, placing a strong emphasis on mastering photographic techniques and gaining essential knowledge about the natural world.

As an aspiring nature photographer, delving into the intricacies of the environment and the species you wish to capture is paramount. Understanding this, I am committed to providing comprehensive instruction in both photography and natural history, ensuring each participant receives the level of guidance they need to enhance their skills and maximize their overall experience.

Throughout our photo tour, I will assist you in honing your technical prowess behind the camera, refining and developing your own unique photographic vision. Additionally, I aim to cultivate your inner naturalist, enabling you to deepen your appreciation and understanding of the world around you.

To foster an intimate learning environment, the tour groups are intentionally kept small. This ensures that you receive ample individual attention and personalized guidance throughout the journey, allowing for an immersive and rewarding experience.

Ultimately, my goal is for you to return home not only with breathtaking “pictures of a lifetime,” but also with a profound connection to the natural world and a heightened understanding of its wonders. Join me on this extraordinary adventure and unlock your true potential as a nature photographer.


Designed by Professional Nature Photographers

These trips are designed by a professional nature photographer and optimized for maximizing  your photography during the tour.  The days in the field are typically spent much as I would when on a photo assignment or out shooting stock images.  We depart early and stay out late to take advantage of the prime light. These tours are about making high quality and memorable images. Primary instruction occurs in the field.  Image reviews are done during the evening or down time. The small group size assures you of plenty of individual attention during the tour.

I try hard to provide you with an informative photo adventure. Natural history  instruction is also an important part of these tours.  With the ever increasing number of photographers in the field I will try to instill  proper field etiquette with the public and other photographers  Even more importantly we try to have fun while we’re doing that.   I work as hard when on a tour helping you capture the most dramatic images, as I would when I’m on assignment.  During my long professional career as a nature & wildlife photographer I’ve have published nearly fifteen thousand photographs all over the world and won many prestigious awards for my nature photography. 


2025 Photo Tour Schedule

Feb 1-8th Tour 1 “Winter in Yellowstone”

Feb 8-15th Tour 2  “Winter in Yellowstone”

March 4-9th Tour 1 “Bald Eagles of Alaska”

March 9-14th Tour 2 “Bald Eagles of Alaska”


Great Fountain Geyser at sunset


Thanks for the great trip.   This was my first professional photo tour and I was impressed with how everything was handled.  I think everyone, even with different personalities and focus, got a lot out of the trip. Don’t be surprised if I sign up for one of your other tours, once I know what my future travel plans are.  Alaska sounds really good.  Cindi Probst “Winter in Yellowstone” 2015

Wendy and I have recently arrived back in Australia, so I thought I’d just send you quick note to thank you again for hosting the tour at Silver Salmon.  We can honestly say it exceeded all expectations, and we had a wonderful time. If you ever have any inquiries from Aussies thinking about the tour, we’d be more than happy to chat to them locally and give them our recommendation and experiencesAndrew & Wendy McFadden, Melbourne Australia,  “Coastal Brown Bears of Alaska” 2016

Here some images from the photo workshop and the aurora.  Must say that the eagle photography workshop was exceptional with so many eagles and such great light.  The comradery of the group made the workshop even more enjoyable with good humor all around, even during the choppy rides across Kachmemak Bay.  I had lots of great images to choose my favorites from. Thanks to you and Kevin for having made this a fantastic adventure.  Rinus Baak Germany; “Bald Eagles of Alaska” 2015

Just wanted to thank you again for a great trip!  It was everything I expected – and more; and I look forward to joining you on another expedition someday soon.  Thanks again!   Cory Huntington “Coastal Brown Bears” 2016
My tour group in the field

My tour group in the field ” Coastal Brown Bears of Alaska”

Sign up Today

Make your deposit for any our  2024 photo tours now to assure your spot on the tours. There may be new trips added to the  schedule in the future.  I’m now taking deposits on the popular 2024 “Winter Yellowstone” tours.

To make on secure online payment via PayPal, go to the tour page you would like to register for, then select the appropriate payment type from the drop down window. Then click the add to cart button and follow the PayPal instructions for payment (you do not have to be a member of PayPal) You can make payment by credit card through PayPal and you may also pay by check or money order.


Castle Geyser

Travel Insurance

To protect yourself from life’s unpredictable events we recommend that you consider purchasing travel insurance.
Travel Insurance

Red fox image from “Winter Yellowstone” tour

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